Recognition for the Firm
Nelson Defender is pleased to announce that Mr. Nelson have been selected as “Lawyers of Distinction” for 2018. Mr. Nelson’s Profile
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Destruction of Justice
Recently it has come to light that Harris County Constable Precinct 4 had at least one employee destroying evidence from their evidence locker. According to Devon Anderson this could affect up to 20,000 pieces of evidence, and hundreds if not thousands of criminal cases. Precinct 4 is on the north.
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Callousness in Harris County
In another example of the desire to win being prioritized over a duty to seek justice Harris County District Attorney’s office has been sued in federal court for imprisoning a rape victim during the trial of her attacker. Article can be found here. This, like my earlier post about the.
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60 Second law lesson
I appeared on HCCLA’s reasonable doubt recently for a 60 second law lesson. Here is the video, I cover the basics on what to do if a police officer asks to set up and interview with you.
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Callousness in Montgomery County
Former 9th district court judge Kelly Case writes an interesting blog post about the practice of rewarding Assistant District Attorneys with gold coins when they secure a life in prison sentence. His blog can be found here. Seeking justice is a high calling, so much so that prosecutors are admonished.
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Initial Consultation Questions You Need To Ask A Divorce Attorney
Selecting a family law attorney to handle your divorce is not an easy task. If you want a positive outcome for your situation, you need to choose a divorce attorney who will advocate for your interests and work hard for you. To find the right attorney, you need ask the.
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Documents You Need to Provide to Your Divorce Attorney
The most important step in the divorce process is hiring an experienced divorce attorney, but even the most seasoned professional is limited by the documents provided to them by their clients. Organizing a checklist and opening the lines of communication with a family attorney is a must during the process.
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