Sexual Assault of a Child

Sexual Assault of a Child

Child Sexual Assault Defense Attorney

What Does This Charge Mean?

All of the existing consequences in a sexual assault case are present in a sexual assault with a child case, except the stakes are even higher, carrying significant mandatory minimum prison sentences.

There are two types of sexual assault of a child:

  1. Sexual abuse — if the victim is under the age of 14
  2. Aggravated sexual abuse — if the child is under age six

Additional penalties are imposed if sexual abuse has been ongoing or there have been multiple offenses within a 30-day period (a charge of continuous sexual abuse may be laid).

Can You Really Defend Me Against These Charges?

Child sex crimes are incredibly aggressively prosecuted and the victims tend to be extremely sympathetic. The public is inclined to find these children credible, making for a very difficult defense. The real challenge is to find any kind of inconsistency and to attack the reliability of the child’s testimony in a way that doesn’t offend by showing they are continually being coached, have ulterior motives or are incorrectly perceiving the issue. This requires the advocacy of an experienced attorney, and I am here to help.

I Am Prepared To Defend You Against A Wide Range Of Charges

I am defense lawyer Erik Nelson, and I have represent individuals in the Houston, area who have been accused of sex crimes for more than a decade. If you or a loved one has been charged with child sexual assault, I am committed to bringing nearly a career of experience with complex criminal litigation to look at polygraph examinations, reference letters, Internet and/or cell phone data, important information from ongoing divorce or child custody proceedings and discrepancies in the police investigation. I will develop an effective strategy to aggressively represent you on issues involving:

  • Child pornography
  • Sexting
  • Internet solicitation of a minor
  • Child molestation
  • Child sex abuse
  • Statutory rape

Confidential Consultations About Your Legal Situation

In every criminal case, I offer free confidential consultations and make a point to handle cases discreetly and aggressively. Call 281-459-0701 or email me today to schedule your free initial consultation. Whatever charges you face, I will listen to your story and work with you to achieve a positive outcome.



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